Abstract Submission

Abstract submission for posters, orals and late breaking abstracts is closed now. Thank you for your submissions.

Important Information for Poster Presenters

You will find the guidelines for poster presenters here.
Please read them carefully.

Submissions of poster and audio files for the digital platform will end on August 19, 2022.

Please note that posters must be in portrait format for the on-site poster presentation. The sizes are as follows:
Height: 1189 mm x Wide: 841mm or
a maximum size of Height 140 cm x Wide 90 cm

Please submit your posters and audio files for the digital platform here:

Important Information for Oral Presenters

You will find the guidelines for oral presenters here (Guidelines for Speakers).
Please read them carefully.

Please complete this form by August 28, 2022 and also upload your presentatiom to this form by August 28, 2022.

Poster Presenters will find their poster numbers here